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The six villages of Westerly Island are not peaceful. Countless wars drove the leaders of each village to come to certain terms, granting each of the six villages a separate piece of the island to inhabit. Westerly Island's Moray Mountain is one of the most fierce volcanoes in the world, rumored to spit its angry molten bowels and toxic effluvium miles into the sky every summer. The island suffered an immense volcanic eruption last year, laying waste to everything in its blind, raging path. This summer marks the coming of a new age, wherein it has been prophesied that the people of all the villages will have to band together to defeat a common foe.
Julia Lewis
3/4/2013 11:22:55 am

The volcano itself.

The strange thing is, the people would later realize, that without the volcano, they would have probably kept on warring amongst themselves. Thankfully, they weren't complete fools. They decided to have an island meeting, which usually comes up once in a decade or so. The six commanders came together underneath a fiery-red, noon sun. The completed the pleasantries with little more than a few snarls and grunts. Eventually, all was quiet except for the almost palpable tension buzzing in the air. When the first leader, Marlow Stevens from Westerly's Mountain, broke the silence, all the chieftains started talking at once. It quickly escalated to a full out brawl, dust swirling in the air from the vicious kicking feet of the so called placid leaders. "Stop!", Marlow yelled. The squabble quickly came to a stand still, and the disheveled school boys dusted off their ratty jeans and stood up almost simultaneously. After everything seemed to have calmed down, Marlow got right down to the point with, "Who is going to help us with our fight of man vs. nature?" The men shuffled their feet and looked around. Dusty, from the Southern section of the island, timidly raised his hand and squeaked, "I have an idea." Around these parts, not many people new how to use their brains. They relied solely upon brawn to settle disputes. So, when someone says they might have a clue what to do about this momentous task, they decide to listen to what he has to say. (Could someone keep going with this story? It could be a chain thing until the story gets finished :) I don't have any more creative juices left.)

Julia Lewis Period One
3/4/2013 11:33:42 am

Sorry, I forget to add my period.

3/5/2013 02:41:23 am

Thanks Julia! I like the "Lord Of The Flies" spirit to your contribution. Let's see if anyone bites at the line...

Joseph Moss
3/8/2013 04:31:41 am

The people had to fight the trials of starting over. Rebuilding the land would take years and learning to trust and overcome the hatred shown for generations but it had to be done if the villagers wanted to survive. The leaders of each old tribe came together and decided that the people would govern the new land created in the volcanos savage wake. Problems immediately erupted the towns people couldn't decide the new name of the land. They gave many ideas and none seemed to work. Until an elder of the nameless area prophesied that the area would be known as Greece. After the issue of naming the new country was resolved, building and starting new developments began. With the works of many smart people math was born into the world! Little did they know that they would cause traumatic pain to people such as Mrs. Stefani and Joey.

Alyx Peterson
6/12/2013 05:28:54 am

The people of Westerly Island each had heir own ways of living. But a natural disaster showed hope for this little town, bringing people together in ways they'd never seen before. Miners from the south and farmers from the east gathered to decide how to recover from such a devastating situation. They all felt like they couldn't get along with one another but they could all agree they needed help. The town leaders all came together and devised a plan of attack; together they would build a town from the bottom up. Though not everyone agreed, Westerly citizens came together in a time of need. After the process of re-building a place that had been in existence for centuries, the people started changing. Instead of being separate villages, they were all one. A single neighborhood that would forever be the heart of Westerly Island.


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