Some things you can think/write about:
What's happening here?
Who is the man?
What is the curved entity?
Where is this?

Now, write a story about this picture.

...is an incessant and stressful dream that happens at the end of a sleep cycle, keeping you in that purgatorial space between waking life and snooze, making it virtually impossible to snub the feeling for hours after starting your day, and therefore making just about everything in the world difficult.  
Hey brain - thanks a lot, you jerk!

Write you own "worst thing" about what your brain does sometimes that makes life difficult for you.
The phrase "I'm having a Morpheus moment" shall henceforth mean "to experience deja vu." Why?  Because I just had a Morpheus moment, and my mind went there.  It may have something to do with that scene in The Matrix when Neo sees a black cat and does a double take, seeing the exact same cat do the exact same thing.  This, by the way, isn't exactly deja vu, is it? 

I've heard many theories about what deja vu is.  Share your own Morpheus moments and/or thoughts on what they are or mean. 

Continue this story: 
The six villages of Westerly Island are not peaceful. Countless wars drove the leaders of each village to come to certain terms, granting each of the six villages a separate piece of the island to inhabit. Westerly Island's Moray Mountain is one of the most fierce volcanoes in the world, rumored to spit its angry molten bowels and toxic effluvium miles into the sky every summer. The island suffered an immense volcanic eruption last year, laying waste to everything in its blind, raging path. This summer marks the coming of a new age, wherein it has been prophesied that the people of all the villages will have to band together to defeat a common foe.
"Bug ya, don't it? You overgrown headlight..." muttered Otis, pulling his worn and weathered old baseball cap further down over his eyes as he walked.  The sun was hot that day, but as it sank lower over the Pacific dark and finally behind the edge of the world, Otis felt relieved.  

Add to this story.

    Hold Up!

    Dear students - 
    Remember, you can comment on any post as long as it is still visible on this page.  Archived posts have sailed.  I award 5 points per comment (only 1 per post please). 

    Also - you may earn up to 25 points extra credit for the semester.  Anything beyond 5 comments is certainly welcome & encouraged, but will gain you no extra points. 

    The quality and thoughtfulness of your comments will be considered during review.


    June 2013
    May 2013
    April 2013
    March 2013
    February 2013

