Option 1 - Have you ever surprised or scared yourself with a revelation that something was/is true or false?  Write about it.  

Option 2 - Write about a time in your life when you were confronted by someone, or a group of people, for having unpopular views.  
4/9/2013 01:18:34 pm

After seeing the newest Les Misrebles in theaters with my cousin, aunt, and step uncle. We walked out and started talking about what we thought about the movie they started talking about the parts that made them cry and then they started talking about the music. Of course I was the one critical person in the group I was the only one to say that there singing wasn't that great that they could have chosen people for singing and not for acting some of the songs would have sounded better mainly Russel Crowe. I got confronted by my ideas especially by my step uncle Bill who can sing every song to every musical there is.

Shelby Williamson
4/10/2013 06:10:38 am

I always talk about how dance is very much a sport and most of my family doesn't agree with my statement. Especially my uncles who have no idea what it takes to do my level of competition. They always confront me and have talks about how they don't believe it is a sport and why. I usually have to just listen to them instead of talking myself. My opinion that it is a sport is not a popular opinion in my family.

4/17/2013 02:34:01 am

Hi Shelby,

Thanks for sharing. You stand by your dancing. I think it is very courageous of you to listen to naysayers without talking. It is important to be able to detect a potential argument that would lead nowhere.

Ashli Penrose
4/10/2013 12:12:53 pm

Last year during science class we were talking about evolution. Coach Gehley had us go on different sides of the room depending on whether we believed it or not. people that believed in creation or whatever it's called went to the left side and people who believed in evolution went on the right. I hurried over to the right side and when I turned around I saw everyone else on the left. They asked me what my church would think if they saw me standing over there and I told them that I've only been in church on a Sunday for a half hour in my entire life. They asked me why and I told them that it was because I was kicked out for reading my copy of Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban. It wasn't like we were doing anything anyways. I just saw everyone else reading a book and decided to pull out my own. I would've been there for a much shorter amount of time but I had to tape my book back together after the dude in charge of all the little kids had torn the front cover off and tossed it iin the garbage. And to make matters worse, I wasn't there with my parents because they were in California or Montana or somewhere. So my (not nearly as fun) grandparents had to leave early (which they were NOT happy about, well, my grandma wasn't anyway). And aparenty grabbing a pen and shoting 'Expelliarmus!!!' isn't a good thing to do in a church. All the people in my science class were looking at me like I'd just killed five people by that time. But that is the truth. You kick me out, I don't like you anymore. It's the way of the world.

4/17/2013 02:31:45 am

Hey Ashli. Your story reminds me of many instances in my own life when I was confused and taken aback by others' responses to my line reasoning. I think it's awesome that you stood strong. Many people tend to "follow the fold" because they aren't too certain of their beliefs. We should not begrudge others their beliefs, even if they don't know them yet. It is important for people to have beliefs, of course, but no one should be forced to decide if it hasn't dawned upon them yet. I suspect that a few of your peers in science class went along with everyone else to the left side simply because that's what more people were doing. Group mentality is real!

Joseph Moss
4/11/2013 04:19:06 pm

Throughout my life i have of course been wrong and people have disagreed with me and that's fine but one time in 8th grade i think i had a very annoying and much debated confrontation about the topic of abortion. It was any other day, excluding the fact that all up and down Lancaster there was a bunch of religious people protesting the idea of abortion. they offered a hand out and i rejected, rudely of course, because i agreed with abortion and then i basically got herded by a bunch of old ladies trying to convince me that abortion was wrong but i held my ground, until..... they started screaming and yelling so i cried my way out of it (thank god for crocodile tears) but it was a pretty serious issue and i am glad it happened i now understand why some people are so against it but i am still pro abortion for personal reasons so yeah ha this was a bit of a difficult one to write out rather then explain in person Mr. T

Joseph Moss Period 1

4/17/2013 02:24:27 am

It doesn't do very well to try and convince others by screaming and yelling, does it? Thanks, Joey, for sharing. Yeah, it can be easier to talk about these things but I appreciate you typing it out here.

Madyson Guzman
4/12/2013 01:59:22 pm

So, I was at youth group-just like any other Wednesday- and I was kinda feeling down about what had happened at school, so I was looking forward to the usually positive message my youth leader tends to give over various topics. Well, this particular night it was about forgiveness, easy to say hard to do. Nathan went on to explain that we should forgive because it was really more for yourself than the person you were upset with. At first I was like, "Okay Nathan, you've got this backwards." Through a couple more minutes of explaining, i understood, the person that your mad at isn't going to be like "Oh, Mady is mad at me, i can get out of bed today and have fun or do anything until she forgives me." they are going to go on with their life. So, forgiving them is more for yourself because it takes work to be mad at someone. And that's not even the revelation. The revelation is that Jesus will only be as forgiving to you as you are to others. That made me really thing about who I need to forgive and that I need to work on being more forgiving, and FAST!

4/17/2013 03:57:49 am

To forgive is to be compassionate, but also brave. And bravery is defined by fear and challenge. It is never easy to truly forgive someone, because it does mean you must be at peace with what has happened, which often involves confronting your fears.
Mady - Do not rush your feelings of forgiveness. It's fine to say you want to become more forgiving (that's awesome. Good for you), but you need to be at peace in your heart and mind first. Otherwise, the forgiveness will be empty. It's no different than apologizing for something you aren't sorry about.

Meadow Wheaton
4/19/2013 02:45:12 am

Last night I had typed up a few short things for my writing club. I told my mom I wrote a short poem and that I was quite proud of it. She asked what it was about so I just read it to her. After I finished she looked at me judgementally and called me a weirdo. She continued to do this when I read the rest to her. And after she said I was weird, she added a little "it was good." It would be fine if she critisized the writing bit, but instead she critisized me. Never have I been so hurt by my own mother.

4/21/2013 11:11:59 pm

How frustrating. I am sorry to hear it, but don't let it discourage you from writing! I know how much you love it. Let it speak.

rayne mccoy
4/23/2013 01:38:41 pm

Well i tend to get critisized by tons of people all the time. My latest one though was getting critisized by quiet a few people because they think that when dating someone its all about looks. I on the other hand, date for whats on the inside and looks are just a bonus. They critisize me because my boyfriend is 'bigger' and it really gets to me and i try to hide it but it just gets to that point that you want to have a nervous breakdown. I hate being critisized.

4/24/2013 07:37:00 am

Hi Rayne
How frustrating. I can't abide by that sort of senseless criticism, either. If the criticism you receive is not constructive, do your darnedest to ignore it. This can be difficult, I know - but sometimes necessary.

Lauren Hudgins
4/24/2013 07:12:45 am

My conflict wasn't between just me and few people, but with an entire school. I went to a private school, WVCS, from kindergarten to 8th grade. I became really close to everyone, and though I had good experiences, I eventually grew tired of the same people and felt suffocated. This is when I decided I wanted to go to McNary my freshman year. When I told my friends and teachers they were really mad at me and told me about how terrible it was going to be for me. This kind of told me who my true friends were, because THEY would want the best for me. I told them I wanted to go in order to have better opportunities both in sports and academically, but they were still upset, debated with me about it, and some even ignored me. Since I was at a Christian school, they threatened me by saying I wouldn't be able to talk about my religion but this also wasn't true. In fact, I have had better and more in depth conversations about it here because more people have varying views on things. I was proud of myself for rising above it and coming here, and I've never regretted it.

4/24/2013 07:51:19 am

Good for you. What you did took guts, facing so many people like that, which must have been a sad and perhaps frightening experience for you. I also commend your appreciation for richer discussions with people who present views different from you own. You will continue to find diversity to be one of life's greatest teachers.

Matthew Conover
5/8/2013 12:04:20 pm

My experience of realizing something would have been when I realized that the universe is coming to and end, every day, every minute, every hour and second, the end creeps nearer and nearer. Now the real question is why was I thinking about this in the first place, there is a good answer to that—well in my opinion anyway. I had been thinking over what I had learned in science class about the law of conservation of both energy and matter, I was also thinking about the whole concept of hydrogen fuel cells basically being a battery because the energy that is used to split the water is then released when the molecule is reformed. While I was thinking about that I realized that our sun is just a big ball of hydrogen and then wondered where the energy goes and what happens after the helium has been created. I then realized that all of the energy stored in the form of un-fused hydrogen in our universe will eventually turn into more dense elements, once it has all been converted the end of the universe will arrive. The most recent reminder of this thought was when I was watching Doctor Who's The End of the Universe where they showed the stars of the universe fizzling out, the last of them to ever exist. Although this is a long way away it is astonishing to think that one day it will all be over, no matter what progress is made in that time by humans (, or potentially any other race for that matter). Maybe one day there will be a way to turn the energy back, but right now it would seem that most of it is just lost to the depths of space, not destroyed though.

Tregg Peterson
5/9/2013 02:21:21 pm

When I was younger I always loved soccer. It was my favorite free time activity. Almost every single friend I had said soccer was the worst sport, and that the only people that played it were people who couldn't play any other sport. This mad me very frustrated and sad because I loved to play basketball as well. I didn't take this well at the time, but I continued to play soccer because I liked it and I chose to. It is not only difficult to be an outcast, but to voice your views even though they're different than the majority of your friends views is very hard. This has taught me a lesson though that it's okay to have different views than others and that even though they say bad stuff about it, not to take it to personally. Everyone deserves their own opinion and nobody can tell you what your opinion should be.

Taylor McCoin
5/25/2013 06:25:39 am

As everyone probably already knows, I am obsessed with music. That's all I think about, and it's all I do. That's all I ever want to do. I plan to major in music education and minor in music performance in college, but that's not exactly what my family wants for me. My parents encourage me and support me in whatever I want to do, but my extended family strongly disapproves. They think it's not a proper job to be a musician, and that I won't make enough money to support myself and a family. My whole extended family is very traditional. They are farmers who were/are all homeschooled, and go to the old school church with very traditional beliefs.. which is totally fine, except they disapprove of anything that's not working on a farm, going to church, and getting married and having lots of kids. None of them even went to college. It's really difficult because whenever they ask me what my plans are for my future, they won't really even pay attention to what I have to say because it's not the way they think it should be. They just try to persuade me into moving to the farm and settling down. Even though they are my family, I have a right to my own life and they're just going to have to deal with it. I'm fine with just living in an apartment and maybe having a small car if it means I get to do what I love. Nobody- not even my family- will change my mind.

5/25/2013 07:36:01 am

Thanks for sharing this. I respect the conviction with which you write and speak, and I wish you the best. Let me know when you are performing, I love to support all musical endeavors.

Sandy Childress
5/26/2013 02:41:11 pm

It was scary when I realized US money is not based on anything like gold, but is really just based on peoples confidence in the countries economy.

Rachelle Austin
5/27/2013 06:16:11 am

When I first learned that adults/parents don't always tell the truth, i was shocked and rather scared. As a kid, I thought that adults were these amazing, powerful people that know everything. Learning that they have made mistakes and lie to others made me feel not so young anymore.


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