In honor of the up-and-coming summer vacation, I pose to you this question (in three parts): 
Part One: The Golden, Endless Summer
What is one golden summer that will live as clear as ever in your memory?  Why?  What distinguishes it from all other summers to date?  How old were you?  

Part Two - Survival
This summer promises to be a scorcher--I, myself, have hot blood and am thus ill-equipped for these extreme temperatures (anything above 85 degrees Fahrenheit pains me)--how do you fare in hot weather?  Are you a basker-in-the-sun, slow-roasting your exterior (use sunblock!!!) and needing a sweater for any temp. below 75?  Or do you need the cool, dark indoors with either an air conditioner or a freezer nearby at all times?

Part Three - Plans?
Yes, it's just around the bend--vacation!  What do you hope to do? What is one thing you know you 
Tom Janssen
6/6/2013 10:56:08 am

1. Either the one where I started Trumpet lessons or the one where I started Piano lessons because I am still doing both about 5 years later. I was 10 for piano and 12 for trumpet.
2. I think I am a medium person because I don't mind the sun but I prefer to stay indoors. I also use sunblock.
3. This summer I definitely have a few band camps, I will probably go to visit some relatives in California, and I might be teaching private lessons for band people.

Taylor McCoin
6/6/2013 02:43:53 pm

1. The summer that I really started to get serious about music. I had several music camps and I had at least two private lessons a week. I made so many great friends at the camps, and some of them I am still friends with today even though they don't go to McNary. The private lessons that summer really made a huge difference in how I play and I probably wouldn't be this far in my music career if it weren't for that. I was 13 years old.
2. I love the sun and heat. Honestly, I don't know why I live in Oregon because I hate rain and I hate being cold. I'm always cold. If it's not above 80 degrees I freeze. I really wish it could just be summer year round.
3. This summer I hope to finish learning my concerto, start a new concerto, start teaching lessons, take lessons, and just hang out with friends. Pretty much what I hope to do.. I will do. Oh I'm also fundraising.. a lot.. but.. yeah that's it.

Amber Hari
6/7/2013 02:42:49 am

1.The summer of 2009 will always stand out in my memory. I was 12 years old. My family and I traveled across the United States, passing through several national landmarks like Yellowstone, Mount Rushmore, and the St. Louis Arch.
2. I LOVE the heat. The hotter the better. I never want to be inside if the sun is out.
3. This summer, I will travel to Medford for a short vacation.

Tim Hays
6/7/2013 02:49:00 am

1. The one summer that will always reside in my mind is when I was 12 years old. That summer i stepped foot on 43 states. I went to Cooperstown, New York for baseball. When i was there I played at night game at 2 in the morning.
2. I personally LOVE the hot weather. Anything that has to do with rain is just a lousy day and boring. With good weather promises good things; at least most of the time.
3. I hope to have blast this summer and hang out with my friends.

Tregg Peterson
6/7/2013 02:53:42 am

1) When I was younger I had neighbors I always used to hang out with in the summer. I would always go over to their house and ride the atv or jump on the trampoline. We also played super smash bros all the time. It may not seem like the greatest summer to some people, but I loved it. I loved it because I got to hang out with some of my closest friends. It was my golden summer. In the summer I don't like to go outside much unless it is night, and I like to stay be the fan or ac when it is during the day.
2) I hate the heat. I would much rather have it be rainy and cold. It is too hot already in Oregon, it would be much better if it snowed. I prefer the cold because you can snowboard and it's basketball season.
3) In the summer I am going to Costa Rica for a few weeks to visit some of my sisters friends down there. I am excited to go to a new country and see some of the amazing things Costa Rica offers. I would like to have a big 16th birthday party as well. I am ready for summer, but don't really want to go from school because I don't want to leave all my friends for awhile. This has been a good year, thank you Mr. Tanabe for being a great teacher.

Lauren Hudgins
6/9/2013 03:50:06 am

1) I think last summer stood out to me the most because it was the first year I went to Big Kahuna, which is a church camp for Dayspring. We take a bus to Lake Shasta, sleep on house boats, go tubing, and do Bible studies. It was literally probably one of the most fun times I've ever had. It lasts a week, and I was surrounded by the beauty of Lake Shasta, my closest friends in the world, and I went tubing all the time. Not only was it fun, but I really reconnected with God; this is extremely important to me.
2)HOOTTT. It's never hot here, and when it is it only lasts a week and then it's cold again-_- Not good enough. I can handle the rain and cold, but the overcast that we have here is just really depressing.
3)The day after school gets out I have to be at Dayspring at 5:30 in the morning so we can start to drive down to Shasta. Then I'll be tubing in the sunshine for a week! After that, I will have a lot of volleyball practices and tryouts, and hopefully relax in the pool with my friends. It's gonna be such a good summer(:

Julia Fegles
6/9/2013 12:56:03 pm

1. A summer I will allways remember is the one when my family and I took a trip to Florida to go on a Disney Cruise. I think I was 7. The cruise was amazing. We got to go to Disney's private island called Castaway Key (I think), along with a bunch of other islands. When the room cleaning people came, they left animals made by towles in our room. One day, I remember a towel monkey hanging from the ceiling. We also got unlimited ice cream on the boat. I got SO MANY bowels of chocolate ice cream with sprinkles. I will allways remember that trip becuase the whole cruise was all about kids.
2. I do not like hot weather. I love rain becuase I can wear Uggs and sweatshirts. I will miss being able to layer my clothes and to feel
3. Im super excited for this summer because I get to go to Hawaii the day after finals end for my brothers senior trip! We are going to Maui and get to go fishing for marlins or tuna or something. We also get to go zip lining, which is one of my most favorite things to do ever becuase I love heights and majestically gliding through the air.

6/9/2013 01:55:34 pm

Just to clarify, I'm not very good at remembering specific things in my past, but the summer before 6th grade stands out to me. Not that it was a very exiting or fun summer, just that I remember it well. We had recently made some new friends down the road and were soon waking up at 8 just to see them everyday! They had some similar interests and we even made a movie together that summer. It was quite exhilarating.

Based on my history of sun exposure I haven't burned much. Of course if it's 90+ degrees outside I'll probably wear some sunscreen, but this does NOT mean i enjoy the sun. My ideal day is around 60 with a slight breeze and light cloud cover. Also to note I generally tan instead of burning. My friends may get transformed into beaming monsters just by going to the public pool whereas I do not.

Mark my words, this summer WILL be the best! My friends and I (The Pathetic 7) will be making our first big short film! Hopefully we can get some sort of budget together soon, as it's hard to make a movie without the proper funding. My role in this movie is not going to be seen on screen, but still important. I will be directing this soon to be cult classic, and it gives me great joy to represent it.

Charlotte Brattain
6/9/2013 02:34:00 pm

1. The summer that stands out clear in my memory was last years, not only because I hardly remember any other summers, but because it was my most packed and enjoyable summer. Every day I had something special planned with my friends so I wouldn't be cooped up in my room. What also made last summer so memorable was going to Big Kahuna (which is a church camp) because we got to stay on house boats and go tubing while building a relationship with God.
2. I LOVE hot weather! 80 and up is a perfect temperature for me that is why Oregon makes me sad because it is always cold and rainy. I tan very easily and do not burn, unlike my albino friends, and that is why I never have to worry about putting on sunscreen. Yes, I am one of those people who needs a sweatshirt when it is around 70 outside because I do not handle the cold well at all!
3. This summer I am going to Big Kahuna again to be out in 100 degree weather and go tubing!!! I also plan to hang out with my friends basically every day, do more photography, and try out volleyball for the first time! I believe this summer will be memorable.

Jael Mosqueda
6/9/2013 03:57:52 pm

1:: I am torn between which of my great summers would be the best. I think I'll go with my most recent one two years ago when I found my real talent for running and how much I love it. I attended a running camp with the McNary XC team in the summer of '11 up in Pacific City, OR. There were 3 freshman total including me, all girls. I suffered through some of my life's hardest workouts and yet all I remember were the endorphins coursing through-out my body and thinking I can do this for the rest of my life. All in all, it was a fantastic experience.

2:: I fare very very bad in hot weather. Absolutely detest hot weather. Sometimes I think about moving to Alaska. It's that bad, sad but true. I just want to hide in my dark and cool room like a vampire. It keeps me from my love of running since I immediately start getting “soggy-gross” from the evil sun rays.

3:: Well, more like what don't I have to do! I'm interested in looking for jobs, getting back to training (running), be fit enough to attend running camp, volunteer and focusing more so in my bible study.

Maddy Kelley
6/9/2013 11:43:14 pm

1. The summer of 2009 is probably the most golden summer of mine. I was 12 years old and it was the first time going to my aunts cabin. You can only get there by boat and it was so beautiful! You're surronded by water and trees all cozy in a little cabin, it was such a fun experience. Everyday we would go swimming and boating and lay out in the sun, it was nothing short of perfect! My family loved it so much that now we go up every year and basically spend our whole summer at the cabin.
2. I love the sun and the heat! I tan very easily and almost never burn. I can get very dark and I haven't used sunblock in two years!
3. This summer I'm just looking forward to more cabin trips! That's my favorite part about summer since the first time i went. I also have many dance competetions this summer and a trip to disney land with my dance company! It'll be my first time going to disney land so I'm pretty stoked! Alot of my summer is spent out on the lake and in a swim suit so I'm looking forward to that more than anything! I love summer so much!

Ashli Penrose
6/10/2013 01:22:16 am

1. The one summer I will always remember is the summer we got a trampoline. I was nine years old and I was out on it so much that when I went back to school I had light blonde hair.

2.I fair pretty well in hot weather. I'm almost always in Los Angeles, so I'm used to this kind of weather.

3.I know I will:
1. Go to Disneyland
2. Work at Hood to Coast
3. Go to the State Fair
4. Be on Swim Team
5. Go to a few Basketball practices
6. Be at the Movies... a lot
7. Turn 17 ( August 30th is my birthday)

Morgan Kuch
6/11/2013 11:30:05 am

1. My golden summer was last year. I had my car to drive where ever and my friends. I spent a lot of my time hiking and swimming with my best friend. It also was the summer I started working
2. I love the hot weather! When I was little I spent a lot of time with my grandparents that lived in California. I do like the rain though but the sun is my fave.
3. This summer is my last before I graduate. So I will be taking senior picture and working A LOT. I'm going to California and then Tahoe for my cousins wedding. With my down time I plan on hanging out with friends and getting ready for swim team to start back up in the winter.


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