"Bug ya, don't it? You overgrown headlight..." muttered Otis, pulling his worn and weathered old baseball cap further down over his eyes as he walked.  The sun was hot that day, but as it sank lower over the Pacific dark and finally behind the edge of the world, Otis felt relieved.  

Add to this story.
2/9/2013 07:43:07 am

"Bug ya, don't it? You overgrown headlight..." muttered Otis, pulling his worn and weathered old baseball cap further down over his eyes as he walked. The sun was hot that day, but as it sank lower over the Pacific dark and finally behind the edge of the world, Otis felt relieved.

He had been walking through the forest for hours. The leaves were withering away from the heat of the sun. Otis was lost.

With him, he had an iPhone 96s with GPS capabilities. There was no signal on the universal cell network. It couldn't be much farther until he reached some kind of civilization.

An electronic voice spoke up. “Destination is on the right.”

Otis looked. A clearly worn down and abandoned house stood next to a small lake. It was a log house, with a metal roof. Dehydrated overgrowth covered most of it's four sides. There were no roads leading up to it, nor paths, or anything really. It was just an old dismantled house.

“Well, thanks Siri! Take note that maybe you could find something a little less abandoned next time.” Otis was annoyed.

“Note taken: Maybe you could find something less abandoned next time.”

Otis sighed. Not even a simple little computer could understand him at times. He decided to investigate the cabin.

He opened the half rotten door to find a cool breeze whizzing out the door. It felt nice after that long, hot evening. He looked around. There was canned food on the shelves, and several gallons of water. On a workbench there was an old Windows 9 interface. Apparently it still had power.

“Well Siri, I found food and water for me, and a recharge station for you.”

“Well done. Sensors indicate that the food is 75 years old, but still in good condition. I would recommend filtering the water first before you drink it, though. The interface appears to be legacy technology from the early 21st century, right before Linux and Apple dominated the computer market. I can guarantee you, this is clunky and slow Microsoft technology. I can still draw power from it, but it will be a very long and slow process.”

“We have all night,” Otis said, placing the iPhone on top of the interface. He sat down, and opened a can of peaches with a can opener he found nearby. He pulled the baseball hat off his head and looked at it as he ate. “I wonder who won the holo-baseball game this evening.”

“According to my predictions, there is a 95% that the Redsox won.”

“And how can you know that for sure?”

“Other than the randomly generated variables inserted into the game by the computer, such as wind speed, gravity anomalies, and power outages, there are approximately 5 trillion human controlled variables involved in the game. Simulations of different variations of these variables indicates that the Redsox as a 95% chance of winning. Perhaps you would like me to show you the exact equation?”

“Uh, no. And when were you doing these equations?”

“On the way to the cabin of course. I calculated there was a 89% chance that you would ask who won the game.”

“Well, no wonder you were complaining about a low battery!” Otis laughed.

There was silence. After some time, Otis began looking around the cabin some more. An old LED flashlight, some instant flame matches, and some hydrophobic nano-technology were in various locations around the house. On the floor he found some rope tangled with a bunch of wires. He began tugging on it to try to get it loose.

Siri spoke up. “Is that a fiber optic line? Sensors indicate a stream of protons emerging from it.”

“What? You mean this?” Otis pulled up a wire with a red light at the end of it.

“Yeah. Plug it into the Windows 9 interface, will you?” Otis pluged the cable into the interface. “This is a 1gbps fiber optic cable linked into the Internet. Old technology. The Internet began in the 1950s, and was first introduced to the public in 1995. In 2036 the Internet became highly unstable due to the IPv6 IP crisis, and most users of the Internet switched to the Universalnet the same year. Because it is nearly impossible to decommission the Internet, it is still active. The latest statistics I have on the Internet say that there are approximately 500,000 people still use the Internet.”

Otis interrupted Siri before it gave more statistics. “Will it help us?”

“Yes it will! Contacting Search and Rescue headquarters now.” Siri pause as protons of information were sent. “They are going to initiate a teleport. Have you ever teleported before?”


“Well, a couple of things you must know are: Don't move, don't think anything that you want to remember, and definitely don't...” Siri's voice became unintelligible as the teleport was initiated around Otis.”

“Siri? Definitely don't what? Hello?”

The scene faded away and

2/9/2013 07:51:46 am

The blog clipped the story... Here's a link to the rest.


I would love to see someone come up with an alternate ending and extend it (if it’s alright with Mr. Tanabe). :P

David Henderson
Period 2

2/9/2013 07:51:56 am

The blog clipped the story... Here's a link to the rest.


I would love to see someone come up with an alternate ending and extend it (if it’s alright with Mr. Tanabe). :P

David Henderson
Period 2

Mr. Tanabe
2/10/2013 01:37:43 am

David - This is excellent. Do you write on your own? I look forward to seeing more. Thanks for the post!

Taslima Sidhu
2/21/2013 12:05:18 pm

Otis noticed that there were people hiding behind the trees. He was wondering around the forest to clear his head and never yet noticed that he was being followed.

"Who's there," Otis yelled in a fright.

Three people came out behind from three different trees and he knew them. Two boys and one girl, both the boys were brown haired with hazel eyes. One was taller then the other and was wearing blue jeans with pink-white stripped t-shirt. The shorter one had a kakis on with a solid blue t-shirt. The blue-eyed girl looked beautiful as an angel in her white-ivory colored dress that gracefully glided the ground as they all walked closer to him.

The tall boy said "we need your help, you are the only one that can help us."

"What kind of help?" asked Otis.

"That uncle of yours has caused some trouble for us that we cannot clean up by ourselves. He has stole important information from Sidhu Corp. And you being close to him, we need you to hack into his computer and delete the information. If that doesn't happen then he will take over the world and destroy everything Sidhu Corp. has done for the living of humans," explained the shorter boy.

Just as he thought he was getting over about what had happened earlier in the day with his brother going to jail, this pops up...

( add to the story<3)

Taslima Sidhu
Period 1

2/24/2013 03:07:11 am

this is pretty exciting so far. Looking forward to more - thanks!

3/11/2013 10:33:16 am

The sun had finally set which made Otis relieved because now his hard long day in the field was over. He could finally go inside and sit down to some dinner with his family and end his stomach growling fits. First he had to get his son from the field who was plowing on their new tractor. It was beautiful beyond all belief with a shiny green paint on it and it was able to do more work in one day then they could have done in three without it.
It had no cover on the gears that you could see mashing and moving together in unison to move the giant metal beast. Peter had a long plaid shirt on that was unbuttoned and hanging open reaching down toward the ground. The gears must have been jealous though because they beckoned his shirt toward it and grabbed hold of it. Those gears were greedy though and pulled in Peter too, and now the shiny green tractor had shiny streams of red dripping down it....


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